Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


Relay for Life Silent Auction Ends Tonight!

I wanted to remind everyone that the auction will end tonight at 9:00.  The bid as of this morning is $300.  Thank you to everyone who has bid so far! I have been overwhelmed and humbled by the response.  

I have joined forces with my husband's business to form a team for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life team in our county. For those of you who may not know, I lost my daddy to lung cancer in 1992. I cannot tell you what a wonderful man he was. There are few on this earth like him, and I miss him every single day. 

As part of our team's fundraising effort, I am hosting a silent auction for a photo session package.  This package includes a photo session for up to 5 people at a location of your choice.  A $50 print credit. All your edited images on a CD with a full printing release.  Package value is $325.

To bid on the package post a comment here or email me.  I will post regular updates on the bidding both here and on my Facebook Fan Page.

Bidding will start at $50 and bids must be raised in at least $5 increments.  

Bidding will close Friday, April 9, 2010 at 9:00 PM.

Because this is a fundraiser for Relay for Life, the total will be due at the close of the auction.  Session must take place before September 30, 2010.  

Thanks and happy bidding!!!


Engagement Session Coming Soon.

I downloaded an engagement session from this weekend and just thought I would share an early favorite. Have some other sessions to finish up first, but here's a little preview of what's to come...


Easter Mini-sessions - Cole.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my job? I mean I get to hangout with sweethearts like Cole on a regular basis!

2-year-olds can be challenging to photograph.  They can also be extra, extra fun to photograph!

And they are also oh so precious...


So happy to have Cole as my new friend. :-)


Relay for Life Silent Auction.

I have joined forces with my husband's business to form a team for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life team in our county. For those of you who may not know, I lost my daddy to lung cancer in 1992. I cannot tell you what a wonderful man he was. There are few on this earth like him, and I miss him every single day. 

As part of our team's fundraising effort, I am hosting a silent auction for a photo session package.  This package includes a photo session for up to 5 people at a location of your choice.  A $50 print credit. All your edited images on a CD with a full printing release.  Package value is $325.

To bid on the package post a comment here or email me.  I will post regular updates on the bidding both here and on my Facebook Fan Page.

Bidding will start at $50 and bids must be raised in at least $5 increments.  

Bidding will close Friday, April 9, 2010 at 9:00 PM.

Because this is a fundraiser for Relay for Life, the total will be due at the close of the auction.  Session must take place before September 30, 2010.  

Thanks and happy bidding!!!


LCHS Prom Mini-Sessions schedule.

As promised, here is a little more info on my LCHS prom mini-sessions:


 Location: 74 Wells Hill Road

Fayetteville, Tennessee


Packages start at $40.00 (when you schedule you session I will email you a complete list of packages available).  Minimum order of $40.00 (plus tax) must be paid at the time of your session.  Additional prints and CD of digital negatives with printing release will be available for purchase.









3:30 - Jake & Katelyn

3:45 - Jessica & Travis

4:00 - Elizabeth & Max

4:15 - Timmy & Samantha

4:30 - Shelby & Evan

4:45 - Allison & Blake


Call or email me to schedule your appointment 931.993.7826 or brandi@brandibarnesphotography.com