Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


Big Photography Giveaway!

I am so excited to be a part of this! I could not wait to my day so that I could share!

Why is Becky doing this?  Here is her answer as on her blog.

A: Top 5 reasons.

  1. Every family should be photographed. You are usually behind the camera, right? You need to be in the family pictures too, my friend.
  2. My blog is about sharing. There are talented photographers in your area that you may be thrilled to learn about. Plus, I love helping the entrepreneur. I’m thrilled to share talent with my blog readership and hope it gives the photographer’s business a little boost as more people learn about them and check out their work.
  3. You probably love taking pictures. As you look at the photos taken by talented artists with various styles, be ready to be inspired. You will improve your own photography skills and gain confidence in the wonderful art of preserving your own family’s memories.
  4. I want to honor and celebrate family and photography, two of my greatest loves.
  5. Let’s be honest. What’s not to love about a big, giant giveaway? This is just plain FUN.


Five Photographers from across the country around the world are being featured each day this month on her blog.  Leave a comment on Becky's blog telling why you would like to have a family session or nominate a friend or love one who you think deserves a free family session.  Only comments left on Becky's blog will count.  So go here and leave your comment. So while I love having you comment here, for this one you need to comment on her blog.  Of course you can do both, but only ones left on her blog will count for the contest.  And while you're there tell Becky how awesome she is! This took a lot of organization on her part. :-)

Good luck! 


Run for Ella 2010.

I am very happy to be a sponsor for the Run for Ella once again this year.

This is a wonderful event, and I am so glad that it is becoming at annual event benefiting a child in our community who is facing a difficult time.  Ella is truly an inspiration to all who meet her.  If you don't know Ella's story you can read it here. I was so fortunate to get to photograph Ella and her sisters, Mia and Sophie this spring. They are the sweetest girls.

Ella has amazed us all.  She brought our community together last spring/summer like nothing I have ever seen before.  I truly believe she is still with us because of the prayers said on her behalf.  That and because she still has so much to teach us.

Ella's mom, Sara, is as much as an inspiration as Sara.  We all read her daily posts last year while Ella was in the hospital and rehab.  She encouraged us all with her faith.  I love Sara.  She is a beautiful person and mom.

Even though I don't personally know Jules.  I am thankful to be part of an event that will help her and her family as she recovers from her injuries. Please join us on June 12.  It is a great family event.  Don't worry if you're not a runner! There will be lots of non-runners participating.  Last year Molly and Elizabeth even participated.  Much of the course is more suited to hiking than running.  You can do it!  


Mini-session gift certificates.

Need an idea for Mother's Day, Father's day, graduation? How about a gift certificate for a mini-session?

These make great gifts for Grandma and Grandpa!  Wouldn't they love some photos of themselves with the grandkids. Good for up to 5 people. Comes nicely wrapped in a presentation box. 


1st Birthday Tea Party.

How better to celebrate your 1st birthday than with a tea party in the woods with a few of your best stuffed friends?

That's exactly what we did for Miss Karsyn's birthday.  I shared my vision with her mom, and I am so glad she went along with my idea. Amy usually goes along with my ideas, and we've had some pretty unique sessions because of her willing to let me dream.

Quick clothing change. Karsyn had the cutest outfits! Love this pink dress!

Another break in between clothing changes.

She really had fun crawling around.  I think she enjoyed the freedom!

Molly tagged along with me on this shoot.  Karsyn really liked Molly.  Molly proved to be a great assistant.  She was playing with Karsyn when I got these shots. 

I love this one. :-)

After our break it was tutu and cake time!

I love these.  Love, love, love them. 

I love how she looks like she getting away with something in this one. I mean it's not every day that your parents sit you on top of a table and tell you eat a cake with your hands!

And this one.  Well, it just cracks me up!

Amy and Kevin, thank you so much for letting me photograph your children over and over.   They are so precious and you are such wonderful parents.  I am so glad that photography brought your sweet family into my life. :-)


And the winner is....

...Elizabeth and Max!

Aren't they the cutest couple?!

Since they were the lucky winning couple I thought I would share a few more photos from their session. 

Elizabeth is such a beautiful young lady.  From just the short time we were together her inner beauty was so obvious.

And Max... well he was dashing in his white tux.  It was obvious he adored Elizabeth, too.

Congratulations once again, Elizabeth and Max.  Thanks so much to all of my wonderful couples for coming out on prom night.  Thank you also to everyone who voted!