Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


The Pearson Family | Fayetteville Tennessee Family Photographer

Once again I am way behind in sharing sessions.  Thats' because I have been busy, busy, busy!  Today I am sharing a recent session with one of my favorite families.  You've seen them here before.  More than once. :-)  When I talk of the relationships I have been blessed with through this profession, this is one of the first ones that comes to mind.  I love Cooper and Cori.  Next week we have Cori's 1-year- session scheduled.  I cannot wait! I'm so blessed to get to watch them grow.  I love them so.  

Some sessions go without a hitch.  Some do not. This would be one of the latter. I had to work hard for this one.  Molly assisted me, and we were both tired afterwards.  When I got home I told Chris that I was glad that this wasn't the first session they had had with me because I thought they would be really worried!  Some days are just like that That is especially true when you are working with children.  That's why I just go with whatever they want to do.  It usually works out for the best that way. :-)  

Here are a few of my favorites from our afternoon.

And here is their video if you would like to see it.



Customer Appreciation Event | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

I'm excited to announce my customer appreciation event!

During the month of July, any client who has had a session in the past can book a new session for the months of July or August for half the regular session fee! It does not matter if you had a session last month, last year or two years ago.  You are eligible.  

The session must take place during the month of July or August and the session fee must be payed at the time of booking.  You may see available dates here.

This offer is only good for the month of July, and for the dates listed.  Thanks!



Mom and me | Fayetteville, Tennessee family photographer

Mom and kiddo session.  I just love 'em.  Our kiddos grow up way too fast and as moms we are the ones who are usually behind the camera.  I love capturing those little moments between moms and their little ones.  Erin and her kiddos joined me on a Saturday morning to do just that.

Owen.  Loved his mohawk. He is just too stinkin' cute.

Maddy.  Such a sweet girl.

It's obvious she is a good big sister.

Love this candid one.  Sweet moment.

This was such a great day. I think starting with this great session just set the tone for day.  Thanks guys!


Twice the Fun | Middle Tennessee Baby Family Photographer

Earlier this month I finally got to meet my twim baby cousins, Clara and Laurel. They live in Chattanooga, but were in for the weekend.  So I spent the afternoon with them and their mom and dad. 


Heath and did dad picked out the perfect spot on a hay farm they work on the Elk River.

For those of you who may not be familiar with the area, this is very near to the spot where Davy Crockett once lived.  He hunted and fished these banks.

This next one just melts my heart.  I think every little girl should have an image like this of her with her daddy.  So precious.

It's so obvious that Heath adores his girls. And it is unreal how much they look like he did when he was a baby.

It's obvious he loves their mommy, too!

We finished up with the girls dipping their feet in the river for the first time.

And then it was time to say goodbye.

I hope it's not another 6 months before I get to see them! 

Heath and Blair, it was so good to see y'all.  The girls are precious.  They are two lucky girls to have the two of you for parents. Love ya!


FAST Piranhas 2012 | Middle Tennessee Sports Photographer

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of photographing my daughters' swim team.  This is the second year in the row I have done the team photos.  This year is a kind of tough year for our team.  Our competition pool has been out of service for almost a year now, so we had to make arrangements to use the pool at our local wellness center.  We are thankful to have somewhere to practice, but we cannot host any home meets this season. Keep your fingers crossed for us that things will change before next summer.  

So I said all of that to explain a little about the setting for our photos. Generally the team photo is done with the pool in the background, and then the individual shots are done in the pool.  That really wasn't an option this year because the pool is small, indoors and has terrible lighting.  I decided to take my backdrop and studio lighting and do something different.  We had a lot of fun with these.  I had some of the kids give me their best intimidating faces.  Here are a few of my favorites. 

And here is a look at this year's Memory Mate.  

For those photographers out there who like to create their own products rather than using templates, I created this one using product by Gina Miller.  You can find her creations at www.the-lilypad.com

Last the FAST Piranhas won their first meet of the season.  What a great way to start the season.  I bet it's just the beginning of another great season. 

I will be offering these posters for purchase to our swimmers.  Also, if there is interest, I will offer a make up day for individual shots in the studio.

Hope you enjoyed these as much as I have!