Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


Kaylee at 2 years - Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

The first contact I had with Kaylee's mom was the following e-mail. 

I would like to have pictures made of my 2-year old daughter.  Because she's 2, I knew it wasn't going to be easy and I wasn't expecting a lot of good pictures and I didn't want to spend a lot of money on bad pics so we took her to a studio on Saturday.  We walked out of there without the first picture ever being taken.  It wasn't a pleasant experience.  That's when I decided that at her age a studio wasn't going to cut it.

I would like pics of the three of us, but I want pics primarily of her.  Are you up for this challenge?  :)

Ahhh! A challenge! I love a challenge! ;-)

I talked to Kaylee's mom a few times, and I gave her my philosophy on 2-year-olds.  I think most photographers would agree with me when I say that 2-year-olds can be the most difficult of all subjects to photograph.  That's not because they are little monsters or anything like that.  It's because they are busy fellows.  They have things to do, and they don't need any help doing them! As a mom, I have been through the Terrible Twos 3 times now.  My approach to photographing a busy 2-year-old is that they set the pace.   We go with the flow and as my Molly likes to say, "You get what you get..."  I may have ideas going into a session, but it is usually the unexpected shot that becomes my favorite.

We met at the old train depot.  One of my favorite photos of my Molly is on these same steps. Kaylee quickly let us know that she didn't want anyone else on the steps with her.  

She also let us know that she didn't need any help climbing up or down the steps.  She could do it herself! She did let me get take a quick shot of her cute toes though.

Next we headed to a nearby farm.  Isn't her little alligator outfit just the cutest?! Like I said, it's sometimes the unexpected shot that becomes my favorite.

This was us going with the flow.  We were playing in the dirt when I got this one. 

Things were going so well we decided to try to a clothing change.  Mom is a real quick change artist!

And what is that I see?! A smile?  I think that counts as completion of the challenge.  Wouldn't you agree?!

And we even managed to get a few family photos while we were at it.

All in all I would call it a successful afternoon.  I hope Kaylee's mom will agree!


One stop shop.

If you typed in www.brandibarnesphotography.com and wasn't expecting to wind up here SURPRISE! I have decided to combine my traditional website and blog into one.  Some call it a blog-site.  It just makes things a little easier for me and everyone will be able to see my latest work more easily. It's a WIN-WIN.  

I will be adding a little more in coming days. One thing I have updated is my Availability tab up at the top. You can check there for the dates I have open in the next couple months.  If you want to book a date past what I have posted, just shoot me an email and we can get you on the schedule. 

Thanks for stopping by and come back soon! I have lots of new sessions to share.  And since I think every post should include a photo, here's one of my favorites of Little Miss Harper.  I finished editing her session yesterday.  Look for more from her session soon!


Bonnie & Tyson Engagement Session.

I realized that I posted a sneak peek of Bonnie and Tyson's engagement session a few weeks ago, but I failed to post a full preview.  In truth, I have a backlog of sessions I need to share.  Hopefully, I am going to have more time to do that now that the kiddos are out of school for the summer.

Bonnie and Tyson's big day is soon approaching. We met one afternoon and had a lot of fun and I think got some really nice shots.  This series is my favorite.

We started out at my Grandpa's farm, and although we traveled around quite a bit that afternoon, it was my favorite setting.

I just love them sitting in the tall grass.  Bonnie's a country girl, and it just fits.

Black and white is nice, too.

Putting the focus on the ring.  Sitting in front of one of Grandpa's grain bins. Love that.

We ended the evening at Bonnie's grandmother's farm.  This is another one of my favorites.

Congratulations, Bonnie and Tyson. Thanks for letting me spend the afternoon with you.


Big Photography Giveaway Winner Announced!

Becky posted the winner on her blog yesterday! Drumroll please....

Congratulations to Jamie (Commenter #5). Jamie you are the lucky winner of my free session! Please email me to schedule your time.  

There were so many wonderful stories/comments that I could not choose one.  So I used a random generator and Jamie's number was chosen.  Thank you to everyone who entered, and I would like to offer everyone else who left a comment on my post the same package for $100. That is a savings of at least $100. Your session just needs to be scheduled before the end of 2010.  Contact me if you're interested!


Class of 2010.

Congratulations to the Class of 2010. I would like to especially congratulate my Seniors who will be graduating tonight.






You are all very special to me, and I know that there are great things in store for all of you.  

All my seniors will be receiving an 8x10 print as my gift.  The senior who receives the most votes by midnight Friday, May 28 will receive a free 11x14 enlargement from their session.  you may vote by leaving a comment on this post.  One comment per person please.