Entries in Seniors/Teens (28)


Hannah - Class of 2010 - Farm Session.

You may remember Hannah from her session this past summer. We had a lot of fun on that urban shoot, and late in the fall we met for a shoot at my friends', Amy & Clay's farm.

We climbed up into the hayloft and that is where we got some of my very favorites.

I started to title this post "Move over Jane Russell."  She reminded me of a young Jane Russell in the hay.  I told her that, but I wondered if she even knew who I was talking about. ;-)

I love the light through the wall of the barn in this one.

Hannah is such a natural beauty. And if possible her voice is even more beautiful.  I sat in front of her at church Sunday morning. Beautiful, beautiful voice.

Denim and pearls.  Don't you just love it?!  Oh, and don't forget the cowboy boots!

I think this is one of Hannah's favorites.  It is her Facebook profile pic at the moment.  It's a favorite of mine, also!

Juniors and Seniors make sure to see Hannah to get on of her cards for your free gift when you book a session!





Allison - Class of 2010.

Allison is very special to me.  She is our babysitter turned phone store employee and is now my assistant from time to time. She helped me out on my day of Christmas mini-sessions and after the last client session was done we took a few minutes for a little senior mini-shoot.

She looked so cute that day (just like every other day), and I was so happy when she agreed to a few shots.

Our kids love Miss Allison.  I have to say I do, too. :-)

Love the flare in this next one.

A fun fact about Allison - she loves flamingos. :-)

 And one last one...

So these are the ones I snapped in just a few minutes before I headed back to the soccer field for the last game of the day. We are planning to do an urban session when it warms up enough for us to be able to be outside for more than a few minutes. I can't wait!


Ryleigh - Take 2.

I met up with Ryleigh after school one day a couple weeks ago.  We had planned a fall shoot back during the summer when I did a her family's session.  I was really excited about this one.  Ryleigh is just a natural beauty and is natural in front of the camera.  I knew we would have fun and we did!

First we headed to a spot I had used the week before. The leaves were just turning then and I thought they would be beautiful after another week.  Still just enough green. Perfect. 

Ryleigh has such an ease about her.  I seriously could shoot her all day long.

From here we traveled to another favorite spot of mine now. We were at the train tracks, but I think my favorites were in the road in front of the tracks.  It wouldn't matter with Ry though.  All my spots are favorites when working with her!

This next one may be my favorite.

Of course we had to take some of her with her car. I'm all about the car! This made me miss my Camaro days! 


I had been watching this cotton field. I was hoping that they wouldn't pick it before I got to use it.  I knew it would be awesome. And it was! This runs a close second for my favorite.

 As we were walking out of the cotton field, Ry asked me if it would be ok if she laid down in the grass.  We did a quick check first to make sure there were no critters hiding.  I'm really glad she asked because otherwise we wouldn't have this.

 or this...


OK, so how lucky am I to have Ryleigh as a spokesmodel? Such a beauty inside and out. All you seniors make sure you see Ryleigh for a special offer before contacting me to schedule your senior photo shoot!






Abbie - Class of 2010.

Seniors. I love seniors. Especially sweet, spunky, fun seniors like Abbie. We had a great time on her Senior photo shoot!

We met at Abbie's grandparents new log home out in the country. It was the perfect spot! There was a corn field in front of their home and we took full advantage of it. Perfect for Abbie's boots and cute little dress! Loved her wardrobe choice!

I found one thing Abbie is not very good at.  Not smiling.  The girl could not keep a smile off her face.  I guess if you have to be bad at something, that's a good thing to be bad about. :-)

One in the road. I always love the looks people give us when we do these.  It's usually on country roads so there's not that much traffic, but sometimes we have to run to the shoulder of the road. Some passersby look at us like we are crazy. :-)

A quick change, and we were back to it. I love the sunlight in this one. I love that one ray coming across her shoulder.

Abbie plans to go to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga after high school.  She wants to be a neo-natal nurse. With her sweet personality, I think she will make a wonderful nurse.

We were losing daylight, but we decided to make a dash into town to try to get a few urban shots. Abbie quickly changed,and we rushed into town.  I am so glad we did because these are some of my favorites. 

One of the nice things about living in a small town is that you can do this.

We ended our shoot in front of the old Coca-Cola sign.  I just love the colors in the sign against the colors in her dress.

 I hope you like them, Abbie.  I am so glad I got to spend the afternoon getting to know you.  I will have more for you soon!



Beautiful Brittany.

You may recognize Brittany from some of the photos I did of her family. She was responsible for putting it together, and she did an amazing job! And she was so organized! She had a detailed list of all the photos they wanted to get and was checking them off the entire time.  I told her that I needed to hire her as my assistant.  After we had finished with all the family photos, she and I snuck away for a little photo shoot all her own.

Brittany is right at home in front of the camera. I can't decide if I like this one better in color...

or black & white.

I love the sunlight in this next one.

A little attitude is always good!

Hope you like them Brittany! Looking forward to next time!