Hannah Post Prom | Southern Tennessee Senior Photographer

My beautiful Hannah. I met Hannah through our community theatre. We were both in a production of Sleeping Beauty last fall, and I quickly fell in love with her. Since then we have become dear friends, and she has even assisted me at a wedding. I love this young lady dearly. It was no surprise to me when she was voted Prom Queen by her classmates. We met one afternoon after school for a post prom session. I will go ahead and warn you that this is going to be a long post. So many beautiful images of Hannah.
Of course we had to start off with some wearing the crown.
The nice thing about a post prom session is that we didn't have to worry about messing up the dress.
Hannah is a truly beauitful person. She's not just a pretty face. She is good. She loves God. She loves her family. She loves others.
She has such a kind and gentle spirit. She is the young woman all mothers pray their daughters grow up to be.
My Molly loves her. I love her.
This fall she will be leaving for college. She wants to become a nurse. I was not surprised at all when she told me that was what she wanted to do. Although, I think she would be a wonderful photographer, I can see her caring for others on a daily basis.
I am so glad we took the time to have this shoot.
Hannah, I don't think it is any suprise by now that I love you. You amaze me. I pray that my daughters will grow to be beautiful young women like you. I feel that I have been so blessed to get to know you. I am so proud of you. You are beautiful through and through!