Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


Morning Visit | Fayetteville Middle Tennessee Baby Photographer

Earlier this week I spent my morning with these three girls.  I will share more when I get them all edited, but I couldn't wait to share just a couple.

Many, many, many more to come in a later post.


Jaxxon | Fayetteville Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Yesterday I shared Kari and Landon's session.  Kari asked if we could also do a few family shots and some of the kids.  Miss Ryan was sleeping in the car and didn't care for being woken up to come out into the cool for pictures.  I mean really who would want to? LOL!  So we decided to do hers another day on her terms. We did take some of Jaxxon though.  He is such a sweetheart.  He is one of Molly's friends. They were classmates since Kindergarten until this year when he transferred to a new school.  I still miss seeing him.  It was nice to get to spend some time with him this day.

Right before we quit for the afternoon, I asked Kari if she wanted to take a few of her and Jaxxon.  This was the result.  Some of my all time favorite images.  I really cannot express how much I love these next ones of these two.  Moms and little boys just make me happy.

When Kari saw those she sent me a message. "If no other pics turn out, it will be worth the afternoon for the ones with me and Jaxxon.  I LOVE IT!! Thank you. :)"

Capturing moments like that make me so thankful for the path God has leading me down. 

If you would like to see more, Jaxxon's slideshow it below.

Thanks for stopping by!


Kari & Landon | Fayetteville Middle Tennessee Photographer

Kari booked one of my Love the One You're With mini-sessions for her and Landon.  It was a warm day for January, but I don't think they would have minded if it was freezing.  I love it when after several years together a couple is still as in love as in the very beginning.  Maybe even more so.  Sessions like these are some of my very favorites. I think you can see why.


And if you would like to see their slideshow...


The Sweetest Baby Girl

Thought I would share Cori's sweet slideshow.  Enjoy!


Cori at 6 months | Southern Middle Fayetteville Tennessee Baby Photographer

Sweet, sweet Cori.  I have been photographing her brother Cooper for a couple years now.  Cori joined the family last year and this is already her third time to come see me.  There are so many more options now that she is a big girl and can sit up all by herself.  Her mom took advantage of my Valentine mini-session last weekend and used them for her 6 months portraits. Such a happy, happy girl that you wouldn't guess she had been to the doctor's office that morning to get a shot for her horrible ear infection that she just couldn't seem to get rid of. So enough of my babbling!  Let's get to the good stuff!

These were 6-month photos, but we did some Valentine shots, too.

Couldn't you just eat her up?! 


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