Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


Rachel, Caleb & Kate - Urban Mini Sessions | Fayetteville Tennessee Child Photographer

These 3 are no strangers!  You probably remember seeing them on here a time or two before.  We got together once again during Spring Break.  I tried out a different location for their shoot.  I like it! Here are a few of my favorites from their session.

Miss Kate.



I just love this one of the girls.

And my favorite of all three kiddos.

I have one more urban mini to share - stay tuned!


Kelsey | Fayetteville Tennessee Teen Photographer

During Spring Break I had a fun day of urban mini-sessions.  I was so excited when Kelsey's mom scheduled an appointment for Kelsey.  I've gotten to know Kelsey and her mom over the past couple summers.  Kelsey's mom is one of board members of our swim team, and Kelsey is a swimming star. She is a freshman this year and recently competed in Knoxville.  What a way to represent our somewhat new high school swim team.  I just love to watch her compete! 

Here are a few of my favorites from Kelsey's session.

And here is Kelsey's slideshow.

I'm loving spring.  Even though we had a mild winter and I did more outdoor shooting that normal, it is nice to be able to get out without a coat and shoot. More urban mini sessions to come!


Easter Mini-Session Schedule | Fayetteville Tennessee Child Photographer

I am now booking Easter mini-sessions.  This years sessions will take place at beautiful Shadow Valley located in Fayetteville, Tennessee.


10:00 -

10:30 - Martinez

11:00 - Bloxham

11:30 - Gattis


1:00 - Steelman




3:00 Parker

Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!


Evelyn Gray at 3 months | Fayetteville Tennessee Baby Photographer

I just realized that I never shared the rest of Evelyn Gray's 3 month session.  This was just the best morning.  Getting to spend the morning with her and her mommy.

This is one of my favorites.  I have many.

This is also a favorite. Like I said, I have many.

It's obvious that Sandy adores Miss Evelyn Gray.

After spending some time relaxing in the nursery, we got dressed up for a few shots.  I couldn't believe how strong she was!


And then we got comfy again. She was such a nosy rosy in this one.  I was trying to get a shot of the top of her sweet head, but she just had to know what I was doing!


And a storyboard of some of my favorite Mommy images.

And if you would like to see more images.  Here is her slideshow. 

I am already looking forward to her 6 month session!


My girl | Southern Tennessee Child Tween Photographer

I've been meaning to have a real shoot with Elizabeth since she turned 10 last summer.  Sure, I've taken lots of photos of her since then... Christmas...Valentine's Day...beach, but I had not taken the time to do a shoot of just her at age 10.  I was wanting to try out my new gray backdrop and we didn't have anything going Saturday (so nice). So we grabbed a few outfits and went to the studio.

It's moments like this that I realize just how grown up she is getting. Sigh.

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