Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


Announcing 2012's Biggest The Organic Bloom Frame Sale!!!

I'm really excited about this!  I am in love with The Organic Bloom frames.  They are so unique (they come in 16 different shapes and 53 colors.  Yes, I said 53 colors! And the quality is exceptional!

So now for the details!

I will be placing a very large frame order on January 14th.  For this order only, I am offering 20% off all frames orders placed by my clients.  This is the only time in 2012 I will offering such a discount on these frames. I know a lot of you have seen the frames in person in my new office/gallery.  Well, now is your chance to get those new prints in one of these awesome frames, or order an enlargement of your favorite image from your session and get it on the wall!

So this is how it works, I will be taking orders through January 13.  I will be glad to meet you in the office to show you all the options.  I have paint samples so there will be no guess work on the color of your frame. I have several frames in the office so that you can see many of the shapes and sizes available.  I am requiring a deposit  of 50% on this frame order.  These frames are custom made when they are ordered, so expect your frames to arrive in about 4 weeks. 

Like I said before, this is the only time in 2012 I will be offering these frames at such a discount.  20% off all frames!!!

Contact me for a price list or any questions. Thanks!


Merry Christmas

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  This has been a wonderful year for brandi barnes photography, and I am so thankful for all the moments I have been so blessed to share with all my wonderful clients.  I cannot express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. I have learned a lot this year about what really matters in life, and my wish for you is for you to be surrounded by those who are the most dear to you.  I wish you all the best in the coming year.


Christmas Mini-sessions Brystol | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

This was a fun one!  We got off to a bit of a rocky start, but it all worked out in the end.  Miss Brystol wasn't too into this whole Christmas-picture-taking-thing.

Glad I was clicking because it was the shot her parents chose for their Christmas cards.  Made for an awfully adorable card!

Things did get better though.

Helping me with a little decorating. 

Isn't Christmas going to be fun at Brystol's house this year?!  Merry Christmas, Brystol.  I know Santa is going to be good to you!


Christmas Mini-Sessions The Tipper Family | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

One of the wonderful things about my job is getting to meet new people.  Next up is the Tipper Family. Katie's aunt gave them the mini-session as a Christmas gift.  What a thoughtful aunt!

 My friend, Anna Catherine, who was assisting me that day, fell pretty hard for Walker.  It's easy to see why!

Some fun family shots.

Such a cute couple.

My favorite family shot.

Thanks so much for coming out.  It was so nice to meet your family.  Merry Christmas!  I know this is going to be a very special one for your sweet family.


Christmas Mini-sessions Three Sisters | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

These three girls.  LOVE THEM!

You know it's going to be fun whenever they are on the schedule!

Miss Ella just loves to pose for me.  She could be a model!

Mia, Mia, Mia.  Such a beauty.


Little Miss Sophie.  Such a cutie.

I cannot tell you how blessed I am to know this family. Their mom has taught me so much about being a mom.  They have been such a blessing to our community, and I am so happy to count them among my friends.

Merry Christmas, girls!  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! 

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