Entries in Southern Middle Tennessee Child Photographer (5)


Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake Styled Mini-sessions | Middle Tennessee Child Phtographer

This one is for your little baker. Let yourself imagine you're little baker dressed in her apron and chef's hat baking up cakes and cookies in her pink kitchen in the woods. Her stuffed bear and bunny friends are sitting at her table waiting for her. 

Package includes the following:

 20 minute session

  • 10-15 images in a private online gallery to share with family and friends
  • 12x12 storyboard featuring 7 images
  • 1 8x10
  • 2 5x7s
  • Keepsake slideshow
  • Coupon for 15% off a purchase at Beautiful Me Boutique
  • Special pricing on featured products

 Price $139 (plus tax).  A $50 non-refundable deposit is required at time of booking to reserve your appointment time.


Friday, May 25th 










Lily and Luke | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Luke and Lily. They always make me smile. I was so glad when their mom called me about scheduling a spring mini session. 

Miss Lily is such a sweetheart.  She has such a gentle spirit.  Just a sweet, sweet girl.

Luke is one of those little ones that I could just eat up. So stinkin' cute.  He was so funny with the baby chicks.

Lily has a nuturing touch. She's so patient with Luke and very mothering. She reminds me of my Molly.  I loved watching them together.

Here is their sweet slideshow.

I can't wait until next time I get to photograph them.  Next time they will have a new playmate. :-)


My girl | Southern Tennessee Child Tween Photographer

I've been meaning to have a real shoot with Elizabeth since she turned 10 last summer.  Sure, I've taken lots of photos of her since then... Christmas...Valentine's Day...beach, but I had not taken the time to do a shoot of just her at age 10.  I was wanting to try out my new gray backdrop and we didn't have anything going Saturday (so nice). So we grabbed a few outfits and went to the studio.

It's moments like this that I realize just how grown up she is getting. Sigh.


Rhiannon - First Session of 2012 | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

This week I had my first shoot of 2012.  It was supposed to be last week, but we rescheduled due to the weather. Monday's weather wasn't too great either, but Rhiannon was a trooper.  Here are just a few quick favorites from our time together.  

Mom, I hope you enjoy the sneak peek.  Many more sweet ones to come!


Morgan is 4! | Southern Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

With all the Christmas sessions I got behind in posting my regular sessions from late 2011.  Morgan was actually my last session of the year, and what a great one it was to end with.  

Morgan was the first one to use my "new" old camera. She took a few shots of me while I was taking a few of her. 

Morgan is fun, fun, fun and I knew we were going to have lots of laughs. She kept me laughing with all her jokes.

Smiles were no problem for Morgan.  This is the real thing.  No fake smiles.  Just lots of laughs!

I love this brick wall.  One of my very favorite backdrops for my urban sessions.

And I love this one of Morgan and her mom. 

I'm going to end on my absolute favorite of the day.  I love so many of them, but I think this is one of my all-time favorites ever.

Morgan, you were such a trooper.  Thanks for being so awesome (as always) and for making my last session of the year one of the very best!