Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


Christmas Mini-sessions - Bryan.

Bryan was my last mini-session of the day.  He told me as we were walking to the barn that his dad has polished his boots for it. :-)

This was one of the very first shots and I think it is my very favorite. We used it for the Christmas card.

I like this one, too.

Bryan is a 3rd grader and is a football player. He plays center for his team.

Bryan's best friend, Sawyer, had been there earlier in the day with his brother and sister for their card session.  Sawyer came back with Bryan, and I took a few shots of the these best friends together. Reminds me of my best friend and I at this age. This will be one to treasure in a few years.

Bryan and I had a good time and I had a lot of help from Sawyer getting  to smile!




Christmas Mini-sessions - Jasmine and Caden.

Some more of my favorite kiddos. I first met Jasmine and Caden this summer when we had a family session. I was so glad that they came back for a Christmas session!

Jasmine is such a sweetheart.  I can tell she is a great big sister.  She is so sweet with Caden.

Caden really liked my wheelbarrow.  This is one of my favorites of him.

And another favorite of Jasmine and Caden together.

Their cards are really cute, too.  How I wish I could share them!  I may have to have a card post after Christmas to share everyone's cards. Thanks for coming out, guys!



Rachel, Caleb & Kate - Christmas Mini-session.

Meet Rachel, Caleb and Kate.  

Their mom, Becca, and I went to school together from Elementary through high school.  I was so excited when Becca schedule a Christmas mini-session. I knew she would have adorable coordinating outfits for her trio.

I think this is my favorite of Miss Rachel.

Caleb.  Can't you just see the mischievousness in his eyes?! ;-)

 And Miss Kate.  Oh such a cutie!  Thos big blue eyes!

And I just love this one.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the way Kate has her mouth open while Caleb is taking a bite.  Sooooo cute!

Rachel helped me out on the card design and I so wish I could share it with you, but I know Becca is working on getting their cards in the mail.  I certainly don't want to ruin the surprise! ;-)



Spreading Holiday Cheer.

I was in the office before 5:30 this morning.  So much to get done today.  Yesterday UPS delivered three big boxes full of prints and Christmas cards! Today I am busy sorting and packaging up orders to go out. 

Yesterday I picked up my new bags! I can't wait to deliver all the goodies to my clients in these! My buddies at NDesigns did an awesome job on them!

Here's a little peak at a little extra gift for my Christmas mini-session clients. Something to make their holidays packages a little more personal.

And a little peak at one of the many cards I have designed this year.  My clients are originals and so are their cards! All my cards are created especially for them.  No two are the same! 

So now I've got to get busy! After a run for more ribbon and a print cartridge I have a lot more holiday cheer to spread!



Christmas Mini-Sessions - Ben, Holt & Amelia Kate

If it seems I am posting a lot of Christmas sessions all at once it is because I am! LOL! I have been so busy editing and designing Christmas cards this past week that I have not taken the time to update my blog.  I am happy to say that I have all my Christmas mini-sessions edited, cards designed and even ordered with the exception of one that I am waiting final approval on. Woohoo!  I do still have several more regular sessions to get edited, but the ones that included Christmas card pachkages for Christmas are done. 

So let's get on to the photos! That's what you're all here to see anyway! :-)

You might also remember this trio from my mini-sessions last Christmas. If not, let me introduce Ben, Holt and Amelia Kate.

Handsome Ben. 

Cutie Pie Holt. (I bet he doesn't like me calling him that but he is!)

Sweet Amelia Kate. 

Don't let Amelia Kate's sweet looks fool you.  She is an awesome athlete.  She had played soccer earlier that morning and scored several goals for her team!  All the while wearing her trademark bow.  You will never see this girl without her bow! Love it!

These three are true siblings.  They were giving each other a hard time the entire time! Especially the boys!

I have a feeling Amelia Kate can hold her own. :-)

They were on the way to their Little cousin's birthday party.  You will meet Porter in a later post. I'm glad they were able to squeeze a session in their busy day! Thanks guys for being good sports!