Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


Baby Love.

I just love when I edit a session and find myself smiling. I think I smiled the entire time I was editing sweet Jackson's session.  It's so neat to be sitting here working away and just realize all of a sudden that I have a big ole smile on my face.  :-) 

Maybe that is why I couldn't help but to put together this little collage of some of my favorites from his session. :-)



Sweet Baby Jackson.

I have a confession.  I think babies are my favorite subject. Oh, I just LOVE them! On a very blustery day in December I went to meet Jackson and his mom and dad. Jackson's Aunt LeeAnn and I recently reconnected via Facebook after many years since our Flag Corp days in high school. 

Long story short... that all brought me to Jackson's home on that blustery December day.  When I got there he was having a little snack.

Funny how the unexpected shots are so often my favorites. I love moments like this.  Reminds me of when my kiddos were babies...

Once Jackson's tummy was nice and full, we did a few family shots.

Sarah Beth and Brett are two of the calmest first-time parents I have ever seen.  They have so much love for this precious little one.

Sarah Beth had all these amazing things she had found for Jackson on Etsy.  My favorite was this hat.  Mom assured me that Jackson loves his hats! ;-)


This next one made the Christmas card. How could it not?!

Baby feet.  Is there anything in this world cuter?   I think not!

And all warm and cozy in his soft, soft blankets.

Is there any question why I love my job?! :-)



Gift Certificates Available.

Need a gift for a baby shower? I offer Newborn Session Gift Certificates. A new mom who received a gift certificate told me that it was the gift she was most excited to receive at her shower.


The gift certicates start at $100 and include a 1-2 hour session and $50 print credit.



Kendall and Carter.

Now that the holidays are over, the snow days are over and the kids are FINALLY back in school, I am getting caught up on some editing. I had several sessions before Christmas that I edited enough for my clients to have a Christmas card, and now I am busy going back and getting the rest of their images edited. So I cannot thank my friends Kristi and Jeff enough for being patient with me about seeing the rest of their kiddos' images.  I finished them up yesterday and thought I would post a little preview here.

These two kiddos make me smile.  It was very late in the season and we were looking for some trees with leaves still on them.  We went to the local fish hatchery because I had done a session there are couple weeks before and the leaves were gorgeous.  It was one of the few places still around with leaves.

This is one of my favorites of Carter.

And this is my favorite of Miss Kendall.

My girls and Kendall have been friends for a long time.  They have gone to pre-school together, taken dance together and now tumbling. They tagged along with me on this day and helped me get smiles out of Kendall and Carter.

I was so glad that Kristi decided to get in a couple shots.  As a mom myself I think it is so important to have photos of ourselves with our kids.  I really try to encourage this because I know I'm not in enough myself.

Thanks again guys for being patient with me. 

I have a backlog of sessions I need to post so look for lots more in the coming days! 




January Print Sale!

To kick off the new year I am having a print sale.  Take 10% off any print order of $50 or more!  This includes print sizes up to 11x14.  It does not include canvas or gallery wrap prints. Offer good only through January 31, 2010. Thanks!