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Spreading Holiday Cheer.

I was in the office before 5:30 this morning.  So much to get done today.  Yesterday UPS delivered three big boxes full of prints and Christmas cards! Today I am busy sorting and packaging up orders to go out. 

Yesterday I picked up my new bags! I can't wait to deliver all the goodies to my clients in these! My buddies at NDesigns did an awesome job on them!

Here's a little peak at a little extra gift for my Christmas mini-session clients. Something to make their holidays packages a little more personal.

And a little peak at one of the many cards I have designed this year.  My clients are originals and so are their cards! All my cards are created especially for them.  No two are the same! 

So now I've got to get busy! After a run for more ribbon and a print cartridge I have a lot more holiday cheer to spread!


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Reader Comments (1)

Oh, Amanda is going to be so exicted her cards are here! And of course, I am too! Can't wait to get my stuff...the packaging (and the work :)) look wonderful!

December 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDawn

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