Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


Christmas Mini-sessions Sawyer, Kennedy & Jacob | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

This makes the fourth year in a row Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob have come to see me for Christmas mini-sessions.  I just love these three kiddos, and their mom always does an awesome job choosing their outfits.  This year she knocked it out of the park once again. 

Love, love, love the hats.

What's underneath the hat is pretty stinkin' adorable as well!

It always seems that I end up converting some of theirs to black and white.  They always just seem to have the perfect vintage look to them that I can't resist.

Thanks for coming to see me again this year, guys!  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!



Christmas Mini-sessions The Three K's | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

Let's start the week before Christmas out with another one from my day of Christmas Mini-sessions.  Meet Karston, Kragen and Karoline.

Here's a favorite of the boys.



And Miss Karoline.  

Isn't Christmas going to be fun at their house this year?!

Merry Christmas!  I know this is going to be a very special Christmas for your family this year.  Thank you for letting me capture some of the memories!


Christmas Mini-sessions The Posey Family | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

In between days of Santa sessions I had a day of Christmas mini-sessions.  These were also at the barn. My first family was another one of my favorite families, The Poseys.  They are always so much fun when we get together.

Scott and Kim are such a sweet couple.  Scott keeps us laughing. 

I am sure it's not always the case, but Matthew and Nathan actually act like they like each other. ;-)

Nate brought along some friends.

Matthew doing what teenagers do best...

One last family shot.

Thank you for coming out again this year.  I hope you have a very merry Christmas!


Santa Mini-Sessions 2011 Braden | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Our last session of the day was Braden.  He was so excited about seeing Santa.

He had his list memorized and went into great detail!  I just has to smile!

Braden had picked out his own outfit.  Doesn't he look handsome?!

One last hug before saying Good-bye.

What a wonderful first day of Santa sessions we had.  I say again and again how blessed I am to get to share in so many special memories.  This day was certainly a blessing for me.  We had another afternoon of Santa sessions, and I am looking forward to sharing those, too.


Santa Mini-Sessions 2011 Jackson | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Another on of my favorite kiddos.  This makes the third year I have done Jackson's Christmas photos. The first time he was brand new.

Now look how big he is!

Jackson was not too sure about Santa.

In fact at first he was pretty sure he did not like Santa.

But Santa is a Jolly Old Elf, and he worked hard to make Jackson his friend.  Soon they were spotting reindeer.

And peeking through gates.

In the end they were friends.

Merry Christmas, Jackson!