You might remember Kate from her newborn session.

Well, fast forward 6 months.

She's now sitting up and laughing. A big girl! Isn't it just amazing how quickly they grow and change?!
Her mom invited me back to their home for Kate's 6-month photos. I was so excited. I just love Franklin, and to get to spend the morning with Kate. It was a perfect day in my mind!
Kate's dad had gone to the market that morning and picked up some pumpkins for us. Kate was more interested in her shoes.

We moved around a bit in their backyard, and we ended up in their neighbor's backyard. They weren't at home, but I'm sure they would have minded Kate taking a little nap on their swing.

How sweet is this? Her Great-Grandmother's quilt.

We tried these bloomers for her newborn shoot, but they fit much better now.

I love this one of her with her duckie. We pulled it out after she was asleep, but I still love this one.

Such a sweetie.

I'm so thankful to get to watch this little one grow!