Entries in Other (9)


Snow Days.

I hope everyone is enjoying the snow days.  I know our family has!  

The photographer is me has been loving all the snow photo ops that this Tennessee girl seldom sees. One of my favorite things is snow on cedar.

After a day of play, I made it back into the office.  I am busy editing this afternoon.  Nice to have no where to go, and lots of time to work and have fun with the kids!


January Clean Up Sale.

One of my goals for this year is to get our house more organized.  I'm clearing out and tidying up! My computer needs some cleaning up too so as I am cleaning up I decided to have a little sale.  I am offering 2009 session CDs for $100 (regular price $225) and mini-session CDs for $50 (regular price $125).  The CD contains all the edited images from your session and a print release.  This offer is good only until January 31st and applies only to 2009 sessions. 

And since no post feels complete without a photo, here are a few of my favorites from 2009.


Happy New Year!


Willy Wonka Wackiness!

My son, Stewart, turned 5 on July 5th meaning that this year was his Golden Birthday.  We celebrated with a huge Willy Wonka party, and I wanted to share a few of my favorite photos from the evening.

It all started with chocolate bar invitations.  Inside were Golden Tickets with all the party info. 

Welcome to the chocolate factory.

The candy display/store. 

The cake. By Carla Gault (send me an email if you would like Carla's contact info).  she does amazing work!

Fizzy Lifting Drinks.

Fun times. 

The birthday boy. 

Lollipop centerpieces.

A favorite. :-)

Make a wish!

It was as wonderful as any Golden Birthday should be!


The sweetest surprise.

Today I got the most wonderful, sweet surprise. It all began with a very unexpected phone call from my friend and client, Dawn. She asked me to meet her and when we did she had a surprise for me.  I can't believe she said it was just a little gift from her and Amanda to thank me. I was so glad I opened it then.

They had made the trip to Nashville earlier in the week to The Pioneer Woman's book signing. It wasn't enough that they thought of my and bought me a copy of her cookbook.  No - it is also autographed! 

But even better than the autograph is the very sweet note written inside.

For our favorite photographer, who has helped to create memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you so much! Dawn Dixon and Amanda Franks

I don't know if Dawn noticed the tears that I had in my eyes, but I know she noticed the three hugs (there was at least three) that I gave her before she left. I was so, so touched.

I am so happy to be doing something I love and getting to share in so many special moments. I will always treasure this!


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