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The sweetest surprise.

Today I got the most wonderful, sweet surprise. It all began with a very unexpected phone call from my friend and client, Dawn. She asked me to meet her and when we did she had a surprise for me.  I can't believe she said it was just a little gift from her and Amanda to thank me. I was so glad I opened it then.

They had made the trip to Nashville earlier in the week to The Pioneer Woman's book signing. It wasn't enough that they thought of my and bought me a copy of her cookbook.  No - it is also autographed! 

But even better than the autograph is the very sweet note written inside.

For our favorite photographer, who has helped to create memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you so much! Dawn Dixon and Amanda Franks

I don't know if Dawn noticed the tears that I had in my eyes, but I know she noticed the three hugs (there was at least three) that I gave her before she left. I was so, so touched.

I am so happy to be doing something I love and getting to share in so many special moments. I will always treasure this!


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