Entries in Holiday (53)


The Sweetest Baby Girl

Thought I would share Cori's sweet slideshow.  Enjoy!


Cori at 6 months | Southern Middle Fayetteville Tennessee Baby Photographer

Sweet, sweet Cori.  I have been photographing her brother Cooper for a couple years now.  Cori joined the family last year and this is already her third time to come see me.  There are so many more options now that she is a big girl and can sit up all by herself.  Her mom took advantage of my Valentine mini-session last weekend and used them for her 6 months portraits. Such a happy, happy girl that you wouldn't guess she had been to the doctor's office that morning to get a shot for her horrible ear infection that she just couldn't seem to get rid of. So enough of my babbling!  Let's get to the good stuff!

These were 6-month photos, but we did some Valentine shots, too.

Couldn't you just eat her up?! 



Merry Christmas

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  This has been a wonderful year for brandi barnes photography, and I am so thankful for all the moments I have been so blessed to share with all my wonderful clients.  I cannot express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. I have learned a lot this year about what really matters in life, and my wish for you is for you to be surrounded by those who are the most dear to you.  I wish you all the best in the coming year.


Christmas Mini-sessions Brystol | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

This was a fun one!  We got off to a bit of a rocky start, but it all worked out in the end.  Miss Brystol wasn't too into this whole Christmas-picture-taking-thing.

Glad I was clicking because it was the shot her parents chose for their Christmas cards.  Made for an awfully adorable card!

Things did get better though.

Helping me with a little decorating. 

Isn't Christmas going to be fun at Brystol's house this year?!  Merry Christmas, Brystol.  I know Santa is going to be good to you!


Christmas Mini-Sessions The Tipper Family | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

One of the wonderful things about my job is getting to meet new people.  Next up is the Tipper Family. Katie's aunt gave them the mini-session as a Christmas gift.  What a thoughtful aunt!

 My friend, Anna Catherine, who was assisting me that day, fell pretty hard for Walker.  It's easy to see why!

Some fun family shots.

Such a cute couple.

My favorite family shot.

Thanks so much for coming out.  It was so nice to meet your family.  Merry Christmas!  I know this is going to be a very special one for your sweet family.