Christmas Mini-sessions - Brooklyn and Bailey.

I think my mouth dropped open when Brooklyn and Bailey arrived. I love these girls (and their mom and dad). They are long-time friends. The girls were absolutely beautiful.
They had just returned home from Walt Disney World and couple days before and poor Bailey had picked up a nasty bug. Poor baby was running a fever, but you would never know it from her pictures. She was a trooper.
And Brooklyn... Well what can I say?
I honestly do not think I have ever seen two sisters loooks less alike but look more like their parents. Brooklyn looks just like her mom and Bailey looks just like their dad. It is amazing. Even Chris said it when he walked in my office while I was editing these.
I knew Brooklyn and Bailey were the only girl-only session I was going to have for the day so I bought these pink suckers especially for them. Love them!
I just love these with the lollipops!
I can't wait to design their card!!