Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


Christmas Card Special.

This special is for all my clients who have had a session this year, and would like to use a photo(s) from that session on their Christmas cards this year. Christmas card photos do not have to be red and green. Just take a look at our family card from last year.



Orders placed by October 15th can take advantage of this early bird special.

Choose from the following two options:

Option 1: 25 - 5x7 Photo Greeting Cards (1 sided). These cards are professionally printed on photo paper. You may select one large photo or a collage of smaller photos. Buy one set at the regular price of $50 and purchase a second set at half price. Receive a set at half price for every set you purchase at full price.

Option 2: 25 - 5x7 Greeting Cards (double sided). These are printed on heavy cardstock.  Buy one set at the regular price of $60 and purchase a second set at half price. Receive a set at half price for every set you purcahse at full price.

All cards come with white envelopes.

Haven't had a session this year, but would like to for your Christmas cards? No problem! Watch for an announcement about upcoming Holiday mini-sessions!


Hannah - Class of 2010


Favorites from Wyoming.

I finally got around to going through my photos from our trip to Wyoming last month and wanted to share some of my favorites.

These are from a hike I took behind the lodge.  


These are what I saw every morning on my run. I think I could be much more motivated to get up and run if this was waiting on me!

My trip into town.

I ended up going to Devil's Tower alone, but I did really enjoyed the time alone with my camera. :-)



Do we have sunsets like this around here? Maybe we do and I just don't slow down long enough to enjoy them.

If you would like to read more about my trip, there is more on my personal blog.



Eric & Bridget - Celebrating 25 years: Part 2.

The ceremony.

Chris and I were waiting outside for Bridget and the rest of the wedding party when they made their way around to the front of the church. Bridget's best friend, Debbie served as wedding coordinator and she did an awesome job of keeping things on schedule.  She may have missed her calling in life because I can really see her doing this! I love this shot Chris snapped of the two of them making their way to the front doors on the church. Bridget is absolutely beaming! Love this.

I ran into Bridget the other night, and we were talking of course about her day. She shared with me that Eric picked the song (You Are So Beautiful) for her to walk down the aisle to and kept it a secret until it was time  It was also Eric's idea for all three of their sons to escort Bridget down the aisle. So when it was time for Bridget to walk down the aisle, their sons took their places along the aisle and handed off their mom one to another until they were all three escorting her to their dad.  I love the expression on Bridget's face here as she and Kyle approach Lance.  As a mom myself, I really don't know how she was holding it together at this point. Such a special moment shared.

I thought I knew what to expect with the ceremony. I think I was as surprised as Eric and Bridget were when the minister began to tell a fairytale. Well, the fairytale of their life together that is. The addition of his beautiful story made this the most unique ceremony I have ever witnessed. He told the story of their 25 years together and the joy each child had brought to their lives with his/her own unique personality. I was so captivated by the story that I had to remind myself that I was there to do a job!

Here is a favorite shot from Chris' view in the balcony.

and another from my view.


Still husband and wife 25 years later. And she is so beautiful isn't she?

The very happy couple.

And one of my favorites to end on.

This truly is the sweetest family. Eric and Bridget have the sweetest children.  I can tell it is because they have been wonderful parents and are great examples for them. There is just so much love here.  Chris and I have talked and talked about what a wonderful family they are. We truly feel honored to have spent this special day with them.


Tim Senior Session - Class of 2010

Third time is the charm you might say. Tim and I finally got together for his senior session on our third attempt.  Our first appointment was rained out, and our second was canceled because of Tim's work (he had been painting).  We rescheduled and finally got together on a Friday afternoon in August.  If you are from Tennessee you know that Friday nights mean high school football.  So after our session Tim was headed to the first game of the season. So hard to believe that it has been 20 years since Tim's mom and I were at that same high school getting ready on a Friday night to perform at half time. April was a majorette, and I was in the flag corp.  April and I went to school together from elementary through high school.  Even though we don't see each other very much these days, she is still one of the best friends I have ever had. I was thrilled that she asked me to do Tim's senior portraits. So enough about the good ole days, let's get to the pics!


Tim opted to do his session at a neighbor's house.  He just wanted something casual, and his family has used this home for photo sessions in the past.  With lots of stone work and shade, it was a great choice on a hot summer afternoon.


Loved this massive tree in the front yard. Just perfect for some casual shots.

This next one is one of my favorites.

Tim plays short stop for the high school baseball team. He has plans to play on the college level. We had to get a few shots of him in his jersey! They are my favorites. :-)

Can't decide if I like the more serious one or one with a smile.

I do really like this one, also. Just a little different angle on it.

You can't tell it from the photos, but the mosquitoes were about to eat us alive!  We sprayed ourselves down with bug spray, and April was constantly shooing them off my legs. She even emailed me a few days later to check on me! LOL! We toughed it out though, and I hope that she and Tim think it was worth a few bites. ;-)