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Baby Luke.

Earlier this week I got to spend my morning with Baby Luke and his mom and dad.  Luke's mom received one of my gift certificates at her baby shower, and she called me as soon as she and Luke came home from the hospital to schedule his session.  Unfortunately,  Luke has a clogged tear duct, and we had to reschedule his appointment not once, but twice.  So Luke's newborn session is actually his 3-week session. :-)  

He has WIDE awake the entire time.  We had to work for some of our shots, but I think we managed to get some very special ones. After a once over I pulled out a couple of my favorites to share here. I will post more when I have time to go through them a little closer. 

I love this one of Luke and his dad.  Love the moment. 

And one of my favorites of this sweet new family.

Thanks for letting me spend the morning with you guys.  You have a precious, precious family.

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