Cooper - 18 months.

I have a new friend, and his name is Cooper. We met last Sunday afternoon at the barn. He liked my horse.
Cooper's mom had contacted me back in January about scheduling a session, but the weather just hasn't cooperated. As soon as we had a nice weekend we made the most of it.
If all 18-month-olds could be so easy! Cooper was great. We had so much fun. He also liked my red wagon.
I just downloaded this to my computer and did a quick once through to pick out a few for a little sneak peek for Cooper's mom, but this is an early favorite.
Hope you like the sneak peek, Mom! There's a lot more where these came from!
Reader Comments (2)
Aw, what a cutie pie! These are great! :)
I love these! I can't wait to see the rest!