Her Golden Day.

I shared Molly's Golden Birthday Tea Party on my personal blog, but since it was such an event for us I thought I would also share it here.
For those of you who do not know, your Golden Birthday is the year that you turn the age of your birthday. So since Molly was born on January 7th, this year was her golden birthday. We had been talking about it for a few months because it was such an important day. She decided on a small tea party at home with a few of her closest girlfriends (she had a very difficult time narrowing it down to a handful). She wanted it to be very fancy so I went from there!
We bought all the gold tulle Wal-mart had and I covered the backs of the dining room chairs with it.
We lucked up at the after-Christmas sale at Wal-mart where we found gold tablecloths, chargers and large spools of ribbon.
Her cake. Our friend, Carla Gault, always does our cakes. He cakes are just as delicious as they are beautiful. Molly and I had looked through cake decorating books and she decided that she wanted a cake with pillars. We told Carla we wanted a cake with pillars with the golden theme and this is what she came up with. Just beautiful!
When we started planning for her party, I tried to convince her that it would be better to have it at the fellowship hall at church, but she insisted on having it at home. Having it at home meant that she couldn’t invite as many friends. She had a very difficult time narrowing it down to 5 friends and we ended up having to borrow a small table from my sister so that she could invite 7 friends. She still had a very hard time deciding. I love that she has so many friends that it is almost impossible to narrow it down to just seven.
Chris and I acted as servers. He is such a wonderful daddy.
The girls had fruit tea with their meal and then we served punch from my grandmother’s punch bowl when it was time for cake.
I love this one of Molly. It captured her in the moment of her special day.
It was such a special day. I am so thankful for this little girl. I hope I made it a golden memory for her!
Reader Comments (2)
Beautiful background, beautiful girls, beautiful family
So is Elizabeth ticked that her Golden Birthday is so far away? I've never heard of this tradition. What do you do for boys?