Entries by brandi barnes photography (241)


Words that make me smile.

This profession has brought some very special people into my life.  People that otherwise I might not have ever known, I now call friends. When I began this journey I really had no idea how much impact the comments of my clients would have on me.  There is nothing like getting a sweet email, text or note from someone telling me what their photos mean to them.  

I don't set out to just snap a picture like can be taken in any chain portrait studio.  That's not me.  That's not what I set out to do.  These are moments that will never happen again.  This day.  This moment.  It cannot be repeated.  Every day is different and a gift in itself.  

I featured Cooper on here a few days ago.  He's about to become a big brother in just a few short days. It's never going to be just Cooper again.  He's going to have a little sister.

After I posted this photo on Facebook,  I received a text from his mom. 

I LOVE the new pic you put on Facebook! I almost cried when I saw it!! I am so glad we did these! I wanted some of just the two of us! Thanks so much!! You're the best!

These photos. These moments.  They are important to Cooper's mommy.  I'm so thankful and honored that she trusted them to me.  And I cannot wait to meet his baby sister!


Congratulations F.A.S.T.

A huge congrats goes out today to the Fayetteville Area Swim Team for a great season! This weekend F.A.S.T. finished off the 2011 season with 2nd place at the RACE League Championship.  This was the best season ever for the F.A.S.T.  Great coaches and great kids. I am so proud of them all!

 Here are a few of our awesome swimmers.

The Coon triple threat.

Our points leader, Miss Kelsey.

Andrew (I'm-all-about-the-ribbons) Dixon.


Grant who moved up from Tadpoles this season to filling in for the 11-12 year-olds relay when the team need him. 


Mermaid Molly who was so persistent for her mom to sign her up to swim Butterfly even when her mom didn't think she was ready.  She proved her mom wrong, and brought home a 3rd place ribbon the first time she competed!

There were lots of new records set this season meaning there will be lots of new names on the record board. Congratulations to all our F.A.S.T. swimmers on an awesome season!  


Cooper at 3 years | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

I spent a little time this morning with my buddy, Cooper.  You may remember him from his earlier appearances here. I think this is the fourth time we have gotten together, so this time I wanted to do something a little different.  I hope his mom likes what I came up with!

I asked her to bring along his tricycle.

Let me tell you he is fast on it!

Then we went to another spot I discovered on one of my morning runs.  I want to use it everytime I run by it, and so glad to finally get the chance!

I just love the red tricycle in front of the blue wall.  

Cooper is going to be a big brother in just another week or two.  They way he helped me carrying things this morning, I know he is going to be a big help with her.  Happy birthday, Cooper!


Baby Kate | Nashville Middle Tennessee Newborn Photographer

I have been trying to get caught up on sharing recent sessions.  I am so far behind. I am trying to do better though.  When I started looking back to see which sessions I still needed to share, I couldn't believe that I failed to share Baby Kate's newborn session.  

Kate's mom was given a newborn session gift certificate as a shower gift, and I had been eagerly awaiting for her to arrive so I could visit her.  I made the drive up to Franklin one morning after dropping the kiddos at school, and spent the rest of the morning with Sweet Kate, her parents and grandma.

I brought along some hats of my own, but she had this beautiful matching blanket and hat that someone had made for her.  So we just had to use it.

Have you ever in your life seen anything more precious than this.  That sweet little smile.  Just melts my heart!

Looks like she knows a secret!

How precious is that little foot hanging over the side of the basket.  Love!

Talking to Mommy. In newborn sessions we take lots of breaks. Some of my favorite shots are taken during break time.

Love this one of three generations.

This one was Kate's dad's idea.  Pretty good idea I have to say.

I had so much fun this morning!  I got to love on Baby Kate, and I got to eat lunch with my sister-in-law at one of my favorite restaurants in downtown Franklin.  A win-win!  In all honestly, I would have been happy to just spend the entire day with sweet Kate.  



Kailey and Kolton | Southern Tennessee Child Baby Photographer

Today's feature is of two cuties that I know pretty well.  They are Kailey and Kolton my great niece and nephew. Miss Kailey is 2-years-old and is pretty much a stinker.  Her favorite word seems to be...you guessed it "No!"  She said it pretty much every time I asked her to do something for me.

It went something like this:

Me: Kailey, can you sit in my yellow chair?  

Kailey: No!

Me: Kailey, can you smile for me?

Kailey: No!

Me: Kailey, would you like a lollipop?

Kailey: No!

So maybe with Kailey no means yes?

And then there is Kolton.  Six months and smiling all the time.

Such cutie pies.  Love 'em!