Mom and me | Fayetteville, Tennessee family photographer
Monday, July 2, 2012 at 11:40AM
brandi barnes photography in Children, Families, Southern Middle Tennessee Family Photography, Urban

Mom and kiddo session.  I just love 'em.  Our kiddos grow up way too fast and as moms we are the ones who are usually behind the camera.  I love capturing those little moments between moms and their little ones.  Erin and her kiddos joined me on a Saturday morning to do just that.

Owen.  Loved his mohawk. He is just too stinkin' cute.

Maddy.  Such a sweet girl.

It's obvious she is a good big sister.

Love this candid one.  Sweet moment.

This was such a great day. I think starting with this great session just set the tone for day.  Thanks guys!

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