
August 2012

3rd (Friday - afternoon) - Franks

4th (Saturday) -

6th (Monday) - Buckley 9 months

7th (Tuesday)

9th (Thursday)

10th (Friday)

11th (Saturday morning) - Doud

13th (Monday) -

14th (Tuesday) -

16th (Thursday) -

30th - (Thursday) -



July 2012

2nd (Monday afternoon)- Teal

3rd (Tuesday afternoon) - Decker (Senior)

9th (Monday) -

10th (Tuesday) -

13th (Friday - Studio Only) -

14th (Saturday Afternoon) - Arrick

17th (Tuesday - Studio Only) -

18th (Wednesday - Studio Only) -

20th (Friday) - Jean (Senior)

21st (Saturday morning) - Reed

21st (Saturday afternoon) - Vaughn

21st (Saturday night) - LCHS Class of 1987

22-23rd - VACATION

25th (Wednesday afternoon) - Groce

26th (Thursday) -

27th (Friday afternoon) - Pearson


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